Tagged "Eleventy"
Creating a custom Slugify filter in Eleventy
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Tags: English, Eleventy, Custom filters.
In the table you can see how Eleventy transforms some key letters in Finnish to slugs with Slugify. Letter Default Custom ä ae a å (I actual...
A custom collection to sort events with Eleventy
Published on .
Tags: English, Eleventy, Custom collections.
I created and update the Helsinki Pedestrians' Association's website and since we do events I wanted to be able to display upcoming events in the orde...
Eleventy Image problem with Netlify's build
Published on .
Tags: English, Eleventy, Netlify.
I host my website with Netlify. I use Eleventy to power the thing. Version of Eleventy that I use: 3.0.0-alpha.5. Unrelated to this post's problem, I...
Building blocks for my first Eleventy site
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Tags: English, WebDev, Eleventy.
I started using Eleventy mainly, because eevis.codes used it for her site! Go check it out. She posts great stuff about accessibility (and knitting)!...