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Accessibility metadata and sufficient access modes, part 2

Published Tags: English, Accessibility, Metadata, WebDev.

Continuing accessibility metadata post with sufficient access modes. Previous part about sufficient access modes.

Luckily you can use's accessibility metadata to easily do just that.

In this context a sufficient access mode means that you can access all of the content in the described ways (for code snippets go to Daisy's definition of accessModeSufficient).

5. Textual, auditory

If we are being strict and saying this is the only sufficient access mode for the publication, it means that you absolutely need the text and the audio together.

This might be a study material that has is about data sonification and with samples. It would have text describing the sonification and audio examples of them.

6. Auditory, visual

In a strict sense, I am imagining a children's book with colorful images and audio about the story. Then you would need both the audio and the images.

If the publication also had a sufficient access mode of "visual" then that would mean that the audio isn't actually needed to understand the contents. For example, it would just be a description of the images in audio format.

7. Textual, auditory, visual

If this was the only sufficient access mode then it would be a publication that has videos in it without any accessibility features such as captions, audio descriptions or such. So, it would basically be old school Youtube.

Wrapping it up

You can have multiple different sufficient access modes. If you have individual sufficient access modes of textual and visual, then you also have a sufficient access mode of textual + visual.

If you only have a sufficient access mode of textual + visual, you don't necessarily have sufficient access modes for textual and visual separately.

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